Everyone has their own list of useful websites. Here is ours. If you have a favorite resource that you think should be here, please drop us a note with as much information as you can. You can also give us your personal review if you like.
- Area Code Lookup U.S. area codes.
- Big Yellow Pages Global Directories. Find Businesses, Find People, Find Email.
- Currency Converter How many dollars in a U.K. pound? Find out here.
- Design & Publishing Center Design, typography, graphics, illustration, writing, printing, publishing, advertising, signs, displays and information for graphic communicators of all kinds!
- DHL Package Tracking
- Directory The Telephone Prefix Location Directory.
- FCC Junk Fax & Junk Mail Regulations The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the FCC's Rules.
- FedEx Package Tracking
- GTE Super Yellow Pages US & Canadian Directories. Shopping Pages (by product or service category), Idea Pages (by event or special occasion), City Pages (Local shopping and guide information), Yellow Pages (Find businesses nationwide), Consumer Guide (Find car & product reviews and info), Classifieds.
- Ideabook.com A place for sharing marketing and design inspiration. A place to discover the insights that help you market your products, your services, and yourself in ways you may not have considered. In addition to the articles, the site itself is an experiment in ideas. If you're interested, you'll find everything from the thinking that goes into an individual page to the fonts and graphics used to create it.
- Marketing Tips Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got : 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition.
- MMedical Manual Online A home version of the Merk Manual, a medical textbook used by doctors since the first edition was published in 1899 is now available free on the Internet. Everyday English and full of physician reviewed info on everything from abscesses to zygotes.
- Paper Weight Conversions Convert between lbs. per ream and gsm for a wide variety of paper stocks.
- Phone Number Lookup
- SIC Code Look Up All about Standard Industrial Codes. Good for marketing projects.
- Target Marketing the authoritative how-to magazine for direct marketers.
- Universal Code Council Inc. Assigns master ID numbers and bar codes for products. Want a Universal Product Code (UPC) for your product? This is the place.
- UPS Package Tracking
- U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
- U.S. Copyright Office US and International copyright matters.
- U.S. Postal Service
- U.S. Postal Service Zip Code Lookup